The Jack Russell is a baying terrier, meaning the dog should flush out the fox with his steady barking but is never to kill his prey. Here you can find a top southern Jack Russell dog name.
Female Southern Jack Russell Dog Names
- Magnolia (Maggie)
- Annabelle
- Nola (after New Orleans)
- Sweet Tea
- Belle
- Azalea
- Mercy
- Pearl
- Violet
- Myrtle
- Opal
- Stella
- Blanche
- Eudora (as in author Welty)
- Zora (as in author Neale Hurston)
- Caroline
- Georgia
- Virginia (Ginny)
- Harper (as in author Lee)
- Annamae or Annie Mae
- Delilah
- Sunday
- Clementine
- Emmaline or Emmeline
- Flannery (as in author O’Connor)
- Scarlett
- Faith
- June
- Savannah
- Faye
Male Southern Jack Russell Dog Names
- Shelby
- Bayou
- Winston
- Chandler
- Sawyer
- Huckleberry (Huck)
- Porter
- Carter
- Tobias (Toby)
- Jasper
- Prescott
- Crawford
- Jefferson
- Butler
- Preston
- Walker (as in author Percy)
- Deacon
- Atticus (hero in To Kill a Mockingbird)
- Warren
- Bishop
- Tupelo
- Rhett
- Ford
- Clement (Clem)
- Charleston (Charlie)
- Percy
- Moss
- Jackson
- Judge
- Carson (as in author McCullers)
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