The Rottweiler is a medium-large breed, slightly longer than they are tall and robust with a powerful, substantial build. Continue reading to see a lot of red Rottweiler dog names.
Male Red Rottweiler Dog Names
- Chester
- Apollo
- Crimson
- Big Red
- Bordeaux
- Tomato
- Phoenix
- Rowan (Gaelic for “little red one”)
- Fox
- Archie
- Flynn (Gaelic for “son of the red-haired one”)
- Dynamite
- Pumpkin
- Fuego (“fire” in Spanish)
- Freckles
- Rojo (Spanish for red)
- Cider
- Russet
- Reed
- Rooney
- Leif
- Brick
- Valentine
- Mahogany
- Keegan (Irish for “fiery”)
- Rogue (not to be confused with Rouge)
- Topaz
- Burgundy
- Rudy
- Beets
- Lava
- Flame
- Prince Harry
- Copper
- Fennec (type of fox)
- Rooibos
- Spark/Sparky
- Mars
- Vulcan (Roman god of fire)
- Laser
- Radish
- Pepperoni
- Bandit
- Heinz
- Brighton
- Carrot Top
- Loki
- Currant
- Rufus
- Conan (O’Brien)
- Elmo
- Finch
- Fuji
- Redford
- Rory (Irish for “red king”)
- Pinot
- Tree
- Auburn
- Twizzler
- Ketchup
- Curry
- Sorrell
- Firecracker
- Jasper
- Harvest
- Rusty
- Clifford
- Maroon
- Merlot
- Sol
- Chesnut
- Lobster
- Comet
- Jam
- Hunter
- Vermillion
- Malbec
- Arizona
- Rosso or Rossi
Female Red Rottweiler Dog Names
- Cinnamon
- Jessica Rabbit
- Berry
- Pebbles (Flintstone)
- Sundance
- Sunset
- Shiraz
- Robin
- Peaches
- Bandit
- Scarlet(t)
- Foxy
- Apple
- Carmine
- Ariel
- Lucille Ball
- Penny
- Blaze
- Poppy
- Ladybug
- Pepper
- Brandy
- Anne (of Green Gables)
- Rose/Rosie
- Magenta
- Eclipse
- Cranberry
- Autumn
- Cherry (or Cherry Pie)
- Garnet
- Raspberry
- Terra
- Dahlia
- Goldie
- Sunrise
- Sienna
- Hazel (Old English for reddish-brown)
- Ruby
- Bridget
- Peony
- Rosebud
- Molly (Ringwald)
- Hibiscus
- Gloss
- Flannery
- Oakley
- Ginger
- Strawberry
- Annie
- Cayenne
- Cabernet
- Miss Frizzle (nickname: “the Frizz”)
- Jelly
- Valentina
- Henna
- Blush
- Honey
- Scully (X-Files)
- Rouge (French for red)
- Rhubarb
- Sunny
- Amber
- Maraschino (Mara for short)
- Salsa
- Bloom
- Lolo (“red” in Romani)
- Tulip
- Paprika
- Ember
- Alani (Hawaiian for “orange tree”)
- Sangria
- Zinnia
- Peppermint
- Wilma (Flintstone)
- Pippi Longstocking
- Coral
- Fuchsia
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