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16 Things All Chihuahua Owners Must Never Forget

The Chihuahua, the world’s smallest dog breed, is completely unaware of its small size. A small dog, with a big ego. It is self-conscious, curious and does not go out of its way too much. It has plenty of space in even the smallest dwelling and is a loving and entertaining companion dog, even for older people. A chihuahua is very slender and therefore less suitable in a family with small children.

#1 Give me time to understand what you want from me.

I don’t always get it right on the first try, but I promise I’m trying as hard as I can.

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#2 Don’t be upset when I jump for joy when you come ….

...through the door. 

I only live for ten or fifteen years. You are what makes that time enjoyable. It’s hard on me when you go away.

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#3 Give me your trust.

Just like I trust you, I need you to trust me, too.

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#4 Talk to me.


Sure, we don’t speak the same language, but the sound of your voice brightens my whole day.

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#5 Remember that I’ll never forget how you treat me.


Teach me that humans are made of love, not pain. And don’t ever let me forget it.

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